The Devil's Guide to Hollywood: The Screenwriter as God!



In "The Devil's Guide to Hollywood," bestselling author and legendary bad-boy screenwriter Joe Eszterhas tells everything he knows about the industry, its players, and screenwriting itself--from the first blank sheet of paper in the Olivetti to the size of the credit on the one-sheet.
"The Devil's Guide to Hollywood" distills everything one of Hollywood's most accomplished screenwriters knows about the business: from writing advice to negotiation tricks, from the wisdom of past players to the feuds of current ones. Eszterhas dispenses advice as only he can: with his tongue firmly in cheek and a certain finger extended good-naturedly toward the sky. His tips on how to survive in Hollywood are based on his own rugged and real-life experiences: they are not just useful but vastly entertaining. He reveals what he's seen in Hollywood and what he's learned about writing and selling scripts there for record amounts. He also recounts bite-sized takes from personalities he either admires or loathes, sharing the richest, best industry lore that has inspired, amused or enraged him over the years.
"The Devil's Guide to Hollywood" is hilarious, ornery, colorful and wise. It could only have been written by someone who loves the business as much as Eszterhas does--but who also has its number.

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