The Blood Star



A sequel to the international bestseller The Assyrian, The Blood Star carries Tiglath Ashur through his years of exile and his return to Assyria, where the secrets of his own fate are at last revealed to him.

Shot through with dark, exotic lyricism, Guild’s majestic historical epic cuts a wide swath through ancient Assyria, Egypt, Phoenicia, Sicily, Greece. . .This saga serves up a rich, intoxicating feast, interweaving a cultural anthropology of unfamiliar lands and a stoic meditation on mortality, fate, revenge and justice, the ties of love and blood.

Guild has surpassed himself with this long historical novel, which is entertaining from start to finish and leaves one with the feeling that there could yet be another to follow . . .dare we hope!

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Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса
Июль - Август, 2015
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