The Year in Sweden



n his light-hearted trip around the calendar, Kim Loughran has written a revealing presentation of the Swedes’ seasonal traditions, weather-induced behavioral oddities and passion for their archipelagos, forests, mountains and cities. Wandering among disparate topics—from the secularization of formerly religious holidays to the way shoppers politely turn banknotes to face in one direction before they pay—Loughran’s observations are subtle, accurate and delivered with an obvious affection for the people among whom he has chosen to live.A lifelong cosmopolitan, Kim Loughran was born in Australia and lived in several countries as a young man, but has made Sweden his home for the last three decades. Lavishly illustrated with images from every part of the country, this exquisite small-format book is the perfect gift for friends and family abroad, and serves particularly well as an introduction for visitors. The Year in Sweden is available in an English, German and Mandarin.

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С этой книгой читают:

Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса
Июль - Август, 2015
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