
Rupi Kaur цитаты из книг

добавил(а) цитату6 января 2018 15:27

every time you
tell your daughter
you yell at her
out of love
you teach her to confuse
anger with kindness
which seems lake a good idea
till she grows up to
trust men who hurt her
cause they look so much
like you

- to father with daughters

Rupi Kaur
добавила цитату16 июня 2017 17:17

the next time he
points out the
hair on your legs is
growing back remind
that boy your body
is not his home
he is a guest
warn him to
never outstep
his welcome

Rupi Kaur
добавила цитату16 июня 2017 17:10

sex takes the consent of two
if one person is lying there not doing anything
cause they are not ready
or not in the mood
or simply don't want to
yet the other is having sex
with their body it's not love
it is rape

Rupi Kaur
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