Twelve Kingdoms, The - Hardcover Edition Volume 1: Sea of Shadow



For high-schooler Yoko Nakajima, life has been fairly ordinary--that is until Keiki, a young man with golden hair, tells Yoko they must return to their kingdom. Once confronted by this mysterious being and whisked away to an unearthly realm, Yoko is leftwith only a magical sword; a gem; and a million questions about her destiny, the world she's trapped in, and the world she desperately wants to return to.More than just a fantasy story filled with horrific monsters, half-beasts, and magicians, The TwelveKingdoms centers around a world reminiscent of Chinese mythology and rife with civil and political upheaval. Sea of Shadow, the first volume of this ongoing seven-volume epic, takes you on a wild ride that leaves you questioning the bounds of reality andfantasy."An exciting, fast-paced adventure that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

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С этой книгой читают:

Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса
Июль - Август, 2015
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