Building Construction Illustrated



For over four decades, Building Construction Illustrated has been the leading visual guide to the principles of building construction. Filled with rich illustrations and in-depth content by renowned author Francis D.K. Ching, it offers students and practicing professionals the information needed to understand concepts in residential and commercial construction, architecture, and structural engineering.

This Sixth Edition of Building Construction Illustrated has been revised throughout to reflect the latest advancements in building design, materials, and systems, including resilient design, diagrids, modular foundation systems, smart faade systems, lighting sources, mass timber materials, and more. It features new illustrations and updated information on sustainability and green building, insulation materials, and fire-rated wall and floor assemblies. This respected, industry standard guide remains as relevant as ever, providing the latest in codes and standards requirements, including IBC, LEED, and CSI MasterFormat. This Sixth Edition:

The leading illustrated guide to building construction fundamentals, written and detailed in Frank Ching's signature, illustrative style Includes all new sections on resilient design; diagrids; modular foundation systems; smart faade types and systems; lighting sources and systems; and mass timber materials, cross laminated timber (CLT) and nail laminated timber (NLT) Revised to reflect that latest updates in codes and sta...

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С этой книгой читают:

Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса
Июль - Август, 2015
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