Цитаты из книги Зажмурься покрепче
Надежные вещи — это хорошо. Надежные люди — еще лучше.
Даже кости не ломаются с таким треском, как иллюзия неуязвимости.
...нельзя однажды раз и навсегда избавиться от скорби, а также что выражение «жить дальше» — расхожая глупость. Просто бывают периоды онемения и забытья между волнами, с которыми скорбь неумолимо возвращается.
He was amazed that anyone who saw everything so clearly, who had all the light of the world in her eyes, saw in him something worthy of such a smile. It was a smile that could make a man believe that life was good.
No man is a trustworthy guarantor of his own sanity.
I really do know what a remarkable man you are. You truly are one in a million. I’m in awe of you, David. But you know what? I’d like to be a little less in awe of you and a little more with you. Do you think that would be possible?
‘Big emotional benefit,’ said Gurney. ‘Could warp a man’s vision.’
‘Why can’t you just accept all this around us as a gift, an incredibly beautiful gift, and stop trying to fix it?’
there’s a funny thing about a crystal-clear image of the way you ought to live. If you don’t actively hang on to it every day, the vision rapidly fades.