Beginning Hibernate: From Novice to Professional



Beginning Hibernate is ideal if you're experienced in Java with databases (the traditional, or "connected," approach), but are new to open source lightweight Hibernate--the most popular de facto object-relational mapping and database-oriented application development framework. This book packs in brand new information about the latest release of the Hibernate persistence layer and provides a clear introduction to the current standard for object-relational persistence in Java. Experienced author Dave Minter and contributor Jeff Linwood provide more in-depth examples than any other books for Hibernate beginners. The authors also present material in a lively, example-based manner--not in a dry, theoretical, hard-to-read fashion. And since the book keeps its focus on Hibernate without wasting time on nonessential third-party tools, you'll be able to immediately start building transaction-based engines and applications.

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С этой книгой читают:

Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса
Июль - Август, 2015
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