Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography



Neil Patrick Harris is an Emmy-winning stage and screen performer, famous for his roles as Barney Stinson in the popular CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother and as the iconic and beloved Doogie Howser. He's also hosted both the Tonys and the Emmys multiple times and is one of Twitter's most popular and engaged celebrities. Oh, and he's an accomplished amateur magician on the side! With the publication of Neil Patrick Harris, Neil adds "author" to his long resume, bringing his unique and hilarious voice to the page for the first time. Drawing on his life experiences - from being a child start to coming out to acting on Broadway and becoming a father - as well as his personal philosophies and love of adventure and surprise, Neil has created a reading experience for his fans that is nontraditional, imaginative, and laugh-out-loud funny.

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