Цитаты из книги Чарли и большой стеклянный подъемник
— Задавать вопросы умеют все, — сказал мистер Уонка, — а вот отвечать — совсем другое дело.
— Никогда не встречала человека, который бы нес столько околесицы и бреда! — заявила бабушку Джорджина.
— Какая может быть беседа без околесицы и бреда? — сказал мистер Уонка.
"...К сожалению, люди почти никогда не могут разойтись миром, если речь заходит о чем-то по-настоящему ценном. И хуже всего они ссорятся из-за денег. А ведь эти пилюли дороже денег. Они дают то, что нельзя купить ни за какую цену... "
Тысяча зеленых крокодилов!
'What if they come after us?' said Mr Bucket, speaking for the first time.
'What if they capture us?' said Mrs Bucket.
'What if they shoot us?' said Grandma Georgina.
'What if my beard were made of green spinach?' cried Mr Wonka. 'Bunkum and tummyrot! You'll
never get anywhere if you go about what-iffing like that. Would Columbus have discovered America if he'd
said "What if I sink on the way over? What if I meet pirates? What if I never come back?" He wouldn't even
have started. We want no what-iffers around here, right, Charlie?
'Premier Yugetoff speaking,' said the voice from Moscow. 'What's on your mind, Mr President?'
'Knock-Knock,' said the President.
'Who's there?' said the Soviet Premier.
'Warren who?'
'Warren Peace by Leo Tolstoy,' said the President.
'It is very difficult to phone people in China, Mr President,' said the Postmaster General. 'The country's so full of Wings and Wongs, every time you wing you get the wong number.'
'I've done it!' cried the Chief Financial Adviser.'Look at me, everybody! I've balanced the budget!'
And indeed he had. He stood proudly in the middle ofthe room with the enormous 200 billion dollar budget balanced beautifully on the top of his bald head.