Viva Coldplay! A Biography



Author Martin Roach traces Coldplay's history from their self-financed early records through the hit albums-including Viva La Vida's collaboration with Brian Eno - to the present day. On the way he explores the band's professional and personal insecurities, their chosen political causes and their unswerving commitment to retaining artistic control of the music. Central to the Coldplay story is the sometimes angst-ridden personality of lead vocalist Chris Martin whose marriage to Gwyneth Paltrow adds both to his celebrity and to the pressure of being a working musician. Marked by individuality, integrity and musical talent, Coldplay's is an exceptional and compelling story. In Viva Coldplay! Martin Roach does it full justice. Martin Roach is a best-selling writer, with scores of books on music, youth culture and celebrity to his name.

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